Tuesday 1 May 2012

Old Endings,New beginnings....


 Well, Old Endings and New beginnings is my hope for this rest of  2012.  

                                                     GUITAR                           Work Experience

                   NO LAZINESS                                SWIMMING                      

                      Pass my exams       

Photography                        Thinking outside the box

  New Friends                      FAMILY                                  

Ambition                                                                              LOVE

                                Positiveness                   4th Year                      Psychology               South- Africa
                         Church                                A MAN NOT A BOY                    Happiness
                                                Caring for others 
 Appreciation                                                                                      Unselfishness

Prayer                                   Confidence    Smile 
                                                                                                              New experiences
Knowing myself 

Reading                            Cooking                           Art                            Crafts

                                    AND MUCH MORE!

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Mainly Marshmallows....

Well, 3 weeks on Skye has made me a tad lazy, dont know how I will cope with the return to Dundee, my brain will be overwelmed and frazzled with all the different activities I will be able to partake in... or I'll just sit on my lazy ass most probably. At least I have attempted cooking.... though my shepherd's pie is slighlty burned (due to my mum though!!!) and my brownies  turned into more or less  chocolate cake. AT LEAST I TRIED!  Making marshmallows were pretty awesome, though I did more or less observe rather then help make them... well I did contribute but its more or less a one (wo)man job! Decided to make them because when me and my mum went for hot chocolate I didnt get any marshmallows in my hot chocolate and I was higly disappointed.  Other than that, I have read a whole book,Twenties Girl by Sophie Kinsella and stared reading Alexander McCall Smith's 'The No.1 Ladies Detective Agency' but its taking me a while to get through! I really like the Twenties Girl, think I will try and read more of Kinsella's book's because I really enjoyed it, I read it in one day!  I would try explain what it was about but I think I will just muddle the plot up!
I would ramble on about every single thing I have done on Skye these past three weeks but reading it would be more or likely be more boring then me writing it!
My Shepherd's Pie
My Sausage Soup - It doesnt ,look tasty but it tasted amazing!

Begining of the marshmallow


End result : Marshmallows!

Wednesday 13 July 2011


I am currently sitting in my sister Elna's living room watching MTV and drinking rooibos tea. This wasnt quite how I pictured my 2 weeks of freedom in Africa.  I was thinkinng along the lines of stumbling around Pretoria with a map and camera and exploring every inch. But reality set in. South Africa for one has not got a reliable transport system, unless I dared to go on a taxi and cling to the seat for dear life. As well as that there also the minor problem of crime. I guess I am just going to have make the most of it. Don't get me wrong, I havent just sat like a lemon infront of the tv, on the contrary, it has been fun.

Yesterday, we went for a wee adventure to Jo' burgh, with the 'gautrain' or the 'gouetrein' as it is nicknamed. For everyone else in the world a train is part of the daily routine but not in SA. South African tend to drive from A to B. They wouldn't dare to commute with a bus or train due to A) it being unreliable B) It's safer to drive (just). Its a bit a of novelty really.  Each train passengers is issued with a gold car which works like a ticket.... I would go into detail  about this but right not I dont think can actually explain it too well. The station in Rhodesfield (I think that was the name) is very modern... its like a every other startion I have encounter really thought there was secuirty guards on every corner, not a daily encounter your likely to experience in  bonny Scotland.  We wait for 10 minutes for the train to Santon. It was odd to witness people taking photos of themeselves in the station, of the trains and the surrounding environment. Odd because I was so use to trains and it was clear by their actions that they were not. Though I have to make it clear I was also snap happy, its not everyday you catch a train in SA! The journey wasnt that long, 20 minutes max and the view not that intresting.  It was cool though. I would love to say I went on some big adventure in Santon with El but to sum it up we went to Nelson Mandela's Square, looked around the shops, ate and than hopped on the train back to Rhodesfield.

After the adventure in Santon, we went to Boksburgh.Boksburgh isn't really a tourist destination as such but it is the place where my 'Pa'  grew up.   We drove to the house where he spend his childhood. It was nice to see.... though that said I couldn't exactly relate to this house whatsoever. I had no memory of visiting my 'Ouma' here. After that, we drove to 'Turton' street, which was just round the corner. I have heard of this famous street before in snippets from my 'Pa'. The story is is that it was named after my 'Oupa', for what, I am not quite sure of...but its pretty awesome!

The rest of the day was spend reading and eating. And it was good!

Totsiens! Au Revoir! Goodbye!

Sunday 19 June 2011

Sunshine and lollipops.

Well, it's officially summer now, or winter depending where in the world you are. I am sitting in a lodge in George, Western Cape, listening to a Dutch man talking loudly to a cat. Its pretty amusing. And the weather has been disappointing today, though this has been the first day of 'bad' weather.

This morning, my mother and I attended church in George. To be honest, I don't actually attend church as much as I should. I have tried to in Dundee but I prefer my sleep. I wasn't really looking forward to it but I am pretty happy I went. I actually understood what the Minister was teaching and paid attention. As well as that, there was a German choir. They sang amazingly.

Glentana was our next stop on the map. Glentana is a small community by the coast. I spend most of my childhood holidays there running around the strand. We saw our house today and its not the same. In my younger days by Pa painted the roof a bright blue colour so you could see it instantly. We also walked a long the beach and it's strange to think my younger self use to swim in those waters or 'dance' for mussels with my Oupa. Even stepping on a 'bloublasie' which is a type of jellyfish that stung me a billion time when I was running around comes to mind when   I think of the holidays spend there. .The cafe by the beach has closed down now, but I remember running there to get ice lollies or candles when the power went out once. It was nice to go down memory lane again.

Tommorow we head for Merweville. This is the town that my Ouma grew up in and that is where we will meet my Oupa. Merweville is small town in the Karoo, in the middle of nowhere. Not a lot of people know about it. We always use to stop there on the way to Glentana to visit my grandparents. I remember very little, just my Ouma cooking by the stoof ,having  'bok' milk, swimming in the dam and the dying from the heat.

That's all I can think of writing for now. I am probably not going to see a computer for at least 2 weeks so i guess this is kind of a farewell. I am keeping a journal so hopefully I will be able to write a ton when I get back about my travels.

A bloueblasie. Thought I'd show you what one looks like 

Tuesday 7 June 2011

I forgot to mention...


Bring on 3rd year....

Well, that’s me done second year of university.  It’s been immense with a lot more knowledge gained, not necessarily academically, (though that said I have learnt one vital lesson which is that next year I will have no social life outside the library ;)  
Thought I’d write down some of my memories of my second year of university, they are probably really unremarkable and I have probably missed out a lot but here it goes...
(1)Kelly +Me + Skint
This was on Rachael’s 20th. I just remember this because Kelly likes to remind of this all the time. Kelly had to endure the whole of Skint till 2:30 am because I wouldn’t leave early and to thank her I spilled drink all over her foot.
(2) Meeting Joshua
Joshua is my nephew and I didn’t get a chance to meet him till October (He was born in August).  I just remember thinking that he was the spitting image of my sister when she was younger. I think it’s because of the Bambi eyes that they both have.
(3) A gig (Battle of the Bands?)
This was one of the first proper gig’s I saw Ken play. I am use to seeing him play at Open Mic every Thursday, so this made a change.  This was quite an eventful night.... ;)
(4) Road trip to Skye
This was spontaneous. Tamlyn and I decided it would be a good idea to pay Skye a visit. I remember stopping a lot to take pictures of the scenery and I feel the highlight was probably driving to go to Talikster Whiskey distillery and having shot of whiskey at 9am.  
 (5) That Rugby Match
Well, seeing as I was born and bred loving rugby, I thought it would be nice to see South Africa VS Scotland. The one match I choose to watch and South Africa lost! It was truly tragic.
(6) Horse Riding at midnight
Well, this was just a random, random event but 4 of us were in the library and got the brilliant idea to go horse riding.   It was approaching midnight so this added to the awesomeness of it all. It was brilliant. I just remember laughing a lot because Abu didn’t really have the attire for it.
(7) The Law
I just remember that it was snowing heavily and after a heavy study session (I wish) Roz, Iain and I thought it would be immense to walk up the law with pizza. Sadly, only half the pizza got devoured and the majority of the time I was probably sliding backwards. 

(8) New Year (2011) in Edinburgh
This is apparently in the 50 or 100 (I am not too sure) things to before you die.  The event itself I feel isn’t really worth the 10 pounds I paid but I had fun.  I went with a bunch of friends from Skye and also saw Alice and Basil.  I just remember dancing to ceilidh music and seeing the renowned fireworks.
(9) Valentines’ day with my one and only ;)
This was the first Valentine’s that I would be single (in like 3 years) so Alice and I decided to do it in style. We booked our self’s a table at the French restaurant   ‘Le Gourmet ‘. One of the highlights was Alice telling the waiter we had been together for 5 years and me acting all embarrassed which probably in his mind made him think we were indeed a lesbian couple.  Alice even got me chocolate and a card. The night was great and the food was immense.
(10) St Paddy’s
Well, well, well, Rachael and I went a tad crazy. If you were an onlooker you would have assumed that we were full blown Irish.  I remember arriving late or even missing a Psychology practical because we had decided to have four leaf clovers plastered on our faces and had to hunt down some face paints. Overall, it was a good night.  
(11) Library Times
Well, surprisingly I did spend quite a lot of my time in the library during this year, especially coming up to exams.  Most of my time studying for my exams in May was spend with Rachael and Rory. It consisted of laughing our heads off, being bored out of our minds or generally discussing when and where we should go to get food. The place actually drove me insane especially since our (Rachael and I) exams were one of the last. It got quite frustrating to watch all our friends finish their exams – some even finished before we even started us.
(12) End of Life Sciences Exams
This was before we had even begun ours but you know we just had to go out to have a celebratory drink with our friends.  It was good night which ended with me in the Casino at 4 am getting taught how to play blackjack, because you know this would be helpful in my exams.
(13) Alice’s actually birthday
Alice turned 21!! I had the privilege to have lunch with Alice and her mum in St Andrews at The Grill. As well as that, Kelly and Ryan surprised Alice by coming home for it and giving her some nice cake and a fancy cocktail.
(14) 27th May
Well Ryan took me and few others Go – Karting .  It was my first time and it was actually really good. I don’t think I could do it all the time though. I ended up with a massive bruise on my knee because of my two collisions which were caused by me going too fast round the corners and causing a pile up.  That night, we all went for dinner for Alice’s birthday. It was amazingly tasty though the highlight had to be me and Rachael’s Toblerone Martini’s.   The night ended in Liquid and the highlight of Liquid was getting a kiss (on the check ;) from an Irish guy. It made my life. Ha-ha, sad times.
(15) The Skye Trip
This was a good way to end my second year of university to be honest. I actually quite sick of writing now so I’ll just link you to Rachael’s blog to read about this adventure because she wrote it brilliantly.( http://iammarshmellow.blogspot.com/2011/06/rachael-smith-and-270-return-ticket-to.html)

This probably doesn’t quite sum up second year..... I could probably write a whole book about everything that has happened. All I can say is that it has been memorable. 

Bring on 3rd year!!!

Wednesday 20 April 2011


Well the studying has been quite productive today... though these pictures might indicate otherwise.
Done quite well compared to other days.

Study area in our flat

  For our (Me and Kelly) study break we had a Chinese, went to get ice cream, walked Alice to the library and finished it off by watching 'The only way is Essex' . (It seems quite alot to do for a study break but we deserved it :P )

Jumping bean


Heading Towards the library



Alice smelling the tree